Tuesday, March 30, 2010

rude awakening.

I hate to feed the stereotype that girls are self conscious about their weight.. but this is gonna be one of THOSE entries.

I had a rude awakening looking through our spring break pictures because when I looked through them, i was like "When did I get so fat?!" And no, I'm not those girls who are skinny and have great bodies and think they're fat. I seriously... am not cute. HAHAH.

Looking through those pictures my face is definitely pudgy, my used-to-be-there jawline is now as extinct as t-rex... and the list goes on!

One of the problems with me and my weight is that... I can never really tell when I gain or lose weight. It has to be really dramatic like when my homecoming dress slipped right off of me, or lets say if I couldn't button a pair of pants (hasnt happened yet!). Sigh this brings me back to the days when it was just so damn easy to lose weight.

I remember when my boyfriend in high school broke up with me, I was so depressed, I barely ate. (sad but true!) The pounds just melted off of me! Of course, I never noticed this until the whole homecoming dress incident...

Now you try and cut back a little and you can't even see a difference. You slip a little bit and you definitely notice a difference. Oh how I miss my youthful, quick metabolism. Anyway, now it's crunch time. This cannot be my reality! hahaha

Anyway, I'm really going to try now, because I am not cute. And that is not okay!

Gym at 7am, fighting!

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